When you imagine a balancing rope dancer you will get a clearer picture. Then balancing becomes a high art which simply doesn't come from nothing. Whether it is cycling or crossing a stream on a tree trunk - it is about keeping the balance and keeping your posture in the figurative sense, keeping the direction and staying "up".
How we put "balance that inspires" into practice in our hotel

Here you can find the individual points of our balance concept:
We lead you to self-attentiveness and to engage with your self.
Together with you we start to think about topics like attentiveness, self-reflection and self care as a precondition for the relationship to others. Concentration on what is really important, little distraction, inspiring conversations, seclusion, meditation and “Yoga at the steeple” support the concept for your holidays in Tyrol. Thanks to our excitement for literature, our libraries are places of wisdom. With the help of our very well trained relaxation experts, our guests practise the art of letting go and focussing on the essential. Mental well-being encompasses relaxation and stress management methods such as autogenous training, yoga, tai chi, deep work or sound baths.
Moreover, we will celebrate the joy of friendship and love with you. With a true friend or your own partner you can have deep conversations on relaxed days of recreation. Small and big questions of life are to be discussed, incidents, encounters and experiences to be questioned. What is truly important in life? Find the common rhythm for life with us at the Juffing in Thiersee in an atmosphere of trust and comfort.
In addition, we will offer you a place for your sporty activities and your personal training and will be happy to show you why breaks are so important for athletes. At the Juffing in Hinterthiersee you will find your healthy balance between training and relaxation.

And the most beautiful part of it: we are creators of your leisure. Leisure is the time when thinking, re-thinking, different thinking, new thinking can unfold, not oriented towards a goal, not useful in the immediate sense and just for this very reason a limitless resource for your creativity.
The state of harmony which you strive for remains an ideal-typical construction even at the Juffing, for a perfect balance is impossible. But exactly because of this our path of “balance that inspires” is an invitation for a conscious way of life.
We will be happy if you let our offer's depth work its charm and "balance that inspires" will turn into an experience for you in Tyrol.