Fancy a toboggan ride?
Fantastically beautiful toboggan runs and cosy alpine huts in Tyrol are simply a must during wonderful winter holidays. The locals as well as our guests have great fun with a future toboggan run - look forward to unforgettable hours in the snow.
Our guests can use the hotel's own super-fast toboggans free of charge.
Refreshments available in the Kala Alm
Length: 3.5 km, floodlights, rentals available at the Kala Alm
The nicest toboggan runs don’t always take place during the day underneath a clear blue sky. Night-time is also a great time to enjoy the flood-lit toboggan run and have fun in the huts on the Kala Alm (open from Tuesday - Saturday, 9:00 am - midnight; Sundays until 7 pm; closed Mondays - except for holidays). Well-fed after an excellent meal and warmed up you can start your ride down the mountain.
Details concerning the toboggan run:
Starting point: Schneeberg Inn at 1020 m; last stop is the Kala Alm at 1430 m
Change in altitude: 424 m
Distance: 3.5 km; Walking time (ascending) of around 1-1.5 hours
Lighting: 2/3 of the run, car park at the Schneeberg Inn (fee required)
Features: great, curvy run that is always well groomed. The consistent incline and racy curves make for a perfect ride. A traffic light ensures that there will be no oncoming traffic!
Route: from the parking lot by the Schneeberg Inn, walk straight ahead through a small residential area and up past a tow lift. Then continue through the forest up to the Kala Alm.
Toboggan rentals: right by the Kala Alm; high-quality toboggans with brakes for beginners; Fees: single - €3, double - €5
Contact & information concerning the run: : Kala-Alm, Fam. Mairhofer, Schneeberg 50a, 6335 Thiersee Tel.: +43-(0)664-3944284 oder +43-(0)664-2055358
Refreshments available at the Jausenstation Wieshof
Starting point: at the Wieshof snack station
Details: floodlit; toboggan rentals in the hotel (free) or at the snack station (€2); Hinterthiersee at 862 m
Difficulty: easy (only steep at the bottom); a very nice run with lots of turns
Route: ascent and toboggan run are separate. Behind the Sport Cafe Thaler you will find a signposted path leading to the Wieshof snack station. The run starts right below the snack station.
Contact & information concerning the run: Jausenstation Wieshof, Hinterthiersee 128, 6335 Thiersee Tel.: +43-(0)5376-5520, Fax: +43-(0)5376-5520
Refreshments available at the Mariandlalm
Length: 3 km, not floodlit, no toboggan rentals
Details on the toboggan run: Starting point: drive towards Landl / Bayrischzell until shortly before the old border station, Trockenbachalm/Mariandlalm 1220 m; opening hours: daily from December 26th (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday closed!); metres of altitude: 370 m; length of the toboggan run & road: 3 km; walking time: about 1 hour 15 minutes; character: family toboggan run with medium decline
Route: direction Bayrischzell (signpost Trockenbachalm). The run begins on a medium incline that stays constant for the next 1.2 km. After the first serpentine the incline starts to become a little more comfortable. After a second serpentine slope you will only need a few more minutes until you have reached the snack station.
Contact & information concerning the run: Trockenbachalm/Mariandlalm, Familie Pirchmoser, Schmiedtal 10, 6335 Thiersee Tel.: +43-(0) 664 / 350 44 17,
Opportunity for refreshments: not available
Length: 5.5 km, not floodlit, no toboggan rental
Details on the toboggan run: Starting point: towards Landl / Bayrischzell, shortly after the Wachtbrücke the road forks, take left turn to the toll road, toll station 765 m; end station: mountain restaurant Ackernalm 1,330 m (not open in winter); decline: 565 metres of altitude; length of the run & the road: 5.5 km; walking time (up): 1 h 40 min; character: family toboggan run with medium decline
Route: Many guests know the Ackernalm from summer (the highest cheese dairy of Tyrol can be reached on a toll road). In good snow conditions, however, this trail is perfect for a dreamlike toboggan run. In winter, you can walk through the snow-covered forest on the road to the Ackernalm. A picture-book landscape and snow-covered alpine huts await you at your destination at 1,330 m above sea level.
Cross-country ski paradise on the high plateau
Cross-country skiing maps and further information concerning the prepared trails are available at the front desk. All information concerning the cross-country skiing school and equipment rentals can be found here:
- nordic activ Profi Skilanglaufschule Bayrischzell
- Langlauf-Set-Verleih Sportalm, Bayrischzell
- Langlauf-Set-Verleih Sport Thaler, Hinterthiersee
Note: Juffing guests will get a 10% discount on the rental prices.
On the “Bayrischzell Route 36” track, you can cross-country ski using either the classical or the skating technique for 36 km straight. Along the route you will pass five red boxes with different punch holes. This way you can punch your flyer (available at the Sportalm or the tourist info) on the intended markings and keep track of your progress. When you return the flyer to the Sportalm or the tourist info at the end of the day, you will receive three stickers with the “Bayrischzell Route 36” logo (two for your skis and one for your car) as recognition of your accomplishment.
Ice skating - fun on two skids
Enjoy a laid-back winter holiday in Tyrol with cross-country skiing, tobogganing and ice skating. After a day full of adventures the relaxation paradise at the Juffing Hotel & Spa will await you to regenerate after an active day in the fresh air.
We will be delighted if you enjoy your winter holidays also off piste!