Juffing Last Minute

Last Minute & special offers
for the next two weeks

Below you find last minute deals, special offers and some gap days. Simple & uncomplicated to book.

When is the next room free? Here you will find some of our free rooms in the coming weeks. These are gap days that can be booked easily online. Is there something suitable for you? Select the period that suits you and secure your favourite room at the Juffing by clicking "Book now". Or visit our voucher shop for your hotel stay in Tyrol.

Is there no suitable date? You can find all our free rooms at www.juffing.at/booking. We will also be happy to advise you by telephone.

The prices shown are per person based on occupancy with 2 adults and all inclusive services.
Errors and prior sale excepted.

Would you like an individual offer? Please feel free to contact us.